Friday, November 22, 2013

I know I have been slacking.... not a good way to get a blog up and running.  But I am going to make an effort to get back on track!  Starting next week!  This is my goal and I hope it will work.


<3 the panda

Monday, October 28, 2013


Unfortunately, the week I decide to start my blog back up a dear friend of mine, Penguin, ended up in the hospital.  This left me with little time to write something.  But I did think of a good way to deal with all of the stress that came with him being in the hospital.  Team Fortress 2!  Nothing is better then shooting, flame throwing, and backstabbing strangers as a stress reliever.
I personally prefer playing the pyro.  Something about being able to air blast people off of cliffs and set them on fire makes me smile.  I'd be interested in hearing what your favorite role is to play (comment).

Also I love Payload race mode.  This is a mode where their are two bombs on carts, one for each team, and both teams are trying to move their cart to the end of the track, where it explodes, declaring their team victorious.  It's a way for me to take on both defense and offense roles depending on what my team needs.

Okay, that's all for now.  I hope these posts get better, this week was just a little hectic.  I am hoping to be able to share more of my opinions on things and just hope everyone can stick by me even though I know I haven't done much yet!

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Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Mole Day!


Because of Avogadro's Number (6.02X10^23) it is mole day.  Now if you want to know more about a mole listen to this catchy tune.

It is also national chemistry week!  So shout out to all the chemists out there!  Happy Chemistry Week!

Monday, October 21, 2013

The evolution of the panda

This is the start of a new beginning and the evolution of an idea.  There used to be a traveling nerd panda blog but shortly after starting that blog it became clear that the true bulk of posts were for all things nerd culture not just traveling posts.  And so with the creation of a new Panda by Cross' Critters a new blog has now been formed.  Look out for pictures, game reviews, scifi posts, videos, and so much more.